Tuesday, February 8, 2011

New Signs in the Garage

Went to half price books today to sell off a couple of boxes of paperbacks and see what might be there.  Looked around but didnt find anything that really interest me.  My wife and M both found stuff so the trip was definitely worth it.  On the way to the checkout counter though I noticed a bin with metal signs and went flipping through the pile and found these.

I am usually not a fan of the "busted knuckle" thing because I think its over used, but this one I liked for some reason.  maybe its the british theme of it.

This sign I really LOVE!  I love the name  "Maiden America"  a play on the "made in america" stuff.  I love the girl, the flag, and you may not be able to tell form my crappy picture, but its made to look like its on the side of an old war plane.

I can tell you that I have looked in some books that showed this kind of art from warplanes looking for something that I thought was cool.  A name and a girl and all that.  Well I think I have found it, this is it


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