Friday, July 1, 2011

Sound advice for getting the world back on track

Here is a link to a story that starts out about a video of Jesse James doing metal work, but it gets into something deeper that I just had to share

The link to the original video and complete story

Welding tips and tricks

The part that hit home to me

Why is it that metal forming is a lost art? I will tell you.
Because somehow as a country, we have lost our way.
We discourage our young men and women from learning a trade as if it is somehow dishonorable or a second rate career. We look down our noses at young men and women who choose the vo-tech path instead of the college track.
We somehow think that the pretty girl working the perfume counter at Macys for 7 dollars an hour is a more valuable person than the girl who can weld 4130 chromoly like crazy and is able to support 2 kids with her skill.
Whats wrong with us? We are messed up. The reason this country won wars in the past was our ability to build planes quicker than the enemy could shoot them down. Does anyone out there believe that we could still do this?
Lets get back to basics. Lets become a manufacturing society again. Lets learn how to do something with our hands that we can look at at the end of a hard days work. Lets put our tired heads on our pillows at night knowing we accomplished something that day and made our country better stronger and a better place for our children.
Learn to weld, learn to work with metal, learn to design and build something. Do something.
As a country, lets shed our fascination with Rap music singers and Paris Hilton and get off our dead asses and learn how to do something. Lets change, lets be better people, better workers, better welders, better craftsmen.

I totally and completely agree!


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