Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Antique "Coke" Machine

A part of my family use to own a general store in the middle of nowhere texas

Above is a pic of the store I found on-line that someone took in 2005.  If you are interested to know more about the store and the town that grew it, here is a neat article that I found on-line, that happens to be written by my father  (amazing what you can find through google)

Stewards Mill

I remember as a small child stopping there with my parents when we were in town.  What do I remember about the store?  A coke machine that was in there.  It was a chest style coke machine (for some reason I seem to think it was actually a RC Cola machine) that was a slider.  It had this cool mechanism where you had to drag the bottles over to a place in the machine, then put your money in and then it would release the bottle and let you pull it out.  Here are some pics I found of that type of machine

I am sure I drove my father nuts playing with bottles and shifting them around in the thing and generally letting all the cold air out.  I imagine I was pretty good at that as a child  (driving him nuts, not shifting bottles around)

One of these days, I am going to find one of those machines, get it running again and put it in my house. Maybe I can even find someone who has pictures or who can tell me what the one at the store looked like and make it look like that one....


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