Friday, September 2, 2011

The world is full of cows!

Nope, I'm not talking about animals, I'm talking about people.  People who dont think for themselves, or try to learn things on their own.  Someone tells them something and they just push the "I Believe" button without using that rock on their shoulders.

I know, get to the point, what am I talking about?

The war of northern agression....

Here is an article where Virginia City says city owned poles cannot fly the confederate flag.


Well good you say because the civil war was all about slavery and that is something we should not be proud of

WRONG!  and it drives me nuts that we have taught everyone this

Here is something I believe in.

I encourage you to read and decide for yourself what should offend you and what shouldn't.  I think if you go there with an open mind and read about what really happened, you will be saddened by the fall of the south, and what the north did to us in the process.

A few comments in this post are interesting.  One I really like...
If we allow anything that offends somebody to be banned, soon there will be nothing left.

One that shows that people dont understand is this...
It wasnt until Pres Lincoln freed all slaves that the issue of slavery was even a thought as to why the war was being fought

OK, QUIZ TIME!  Who out there think Lincoln freed all the slaves?

Still waiting.....

ok fine, I'll help.  Here are the words from the emancipation proclamation
that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and henceforward shall be free."

ok, let it sink in, think about it for a minute...

no, still dont get it?  here it is again.

that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and henceforward shall be free."

did you get it that time?  Well let me note just a couple of issues with this one sentence

Problem #1) That means the president of the United states was telling the Southern Confederacy what they could and could not do.  The Southern Confederacy was a group of states that has declared their independence from the Union  (sound familiar)  Think of it this way, it would be like King George III trying to tell the United States what to do after we had declared our independence.

Problem #2) He only freed the slaves in the south, not in the union.


But of course there were no slaves in the north right?  Hmmm.. you need to go read some more if that is what you think...

wanna know why we fought the civil war?  Wanna know what barbaric things were done to southerners during the civil war by the north?

do you really?

or do you still just want to follow the cow in front of you because thats easier


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