Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My child, is not really my child

So we were in Branson Misery, eating at Mickey Gilleys Restaurant, My child has gone to the bathroom 47 times since we have gotten there, because thats what he does, I decide to make my one trip to the bathroom.  I go in the mens room and in those little advertisement things above the urinals  (yes girls, there are ads on the walls in front of the urinals, that way while you are standing there doing what you do, you have something to read, I know, you dont get it, just trust me

this was in the ad thing

I took a picture of it and texted it to the LOML.  (yes, I did)

I go back to the table  (after washing my hands of course, always wash my hands when I leave the bathroom.


really, I do,  stop worrying about it and let me get on with the story)

I ask my son,  "did you see the sign above the urinal in the bathroom"
My child  "what sign"
I show him the picture I took on my phone
My child  "oh yeah, I saw that"
Me " and you didnt tell me about it?"
my child  "uhhh  no"

It doesnt get any clearer than that.  Concrete Black and White proof he is obviously not my offspring.  see, now if he was my child, and he saw a ad for a place called "Tool Town"  he would have told me.  Obviously he is the postman's kid, or the milkman's kid, or whatever.  I am sure once we do the paternity test we will find out.

No, not really, we wont do a test,  I always fail tests anyway..

And if you want to know, yes we did go to this store, and it was cool.  At first when we got in I was thinking it was like Harbor Freight.  Then I got to aisles with high quality, name brand tools, and not bad prices.  I ended up buying a few things there (of course)  and M ended up buying something there also  (even though he didnt tell me about the sign...)


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