As I was driving home from work on Good Friday, the Easter bunny stopped me and gave me this Large box...
Wonder what it could be...
Wanna Guess?
OK, make a guess....
Nope, thats not right, try again
Nope, wrong again, one more try..
WAIT, dont guess yet, I should be more fair, I'll give you a hint, there is a tag on the box
now can you guess?
YES!, thats right, its a Festool MFT/3 table.
(man you are good!)
Here is a pic of it after the 5 minutes of assembly required after it comes out of the box
If you are being an eagle eye, you will notice..
That is my Dewalt Tracksaw on the Festool rail. because the Dewalt works on the festool rails just fine (and I chose the dewalt over the festool... I know, most people think thats sacrilegious, they would be wrong)
This was great timing on the Easter bunny's side since I really needed it for the project I was scheduled to work on the next day.
And it worked great for us on that project. Thanks, Edd