A few thoughts to share
1) Automatic Weapons are regulated and controlled under the National Firearms at of 1934
2) The Assault Weapons Ban law did not actually ban the sale of any weapons
3) Columbine happened while the assault weapons ban was in place.
4) Columbine also happened while there was armed guards placed at the school
5) The number of mass shootings actually rose while the Assault Weapons Ban was in place
6) Just a few weeks ago a Teacher was killed, at school, by his son, with a Compound Bow. Arrow through the head.
7) No background checks needed to purchase a Bow.
8) TLC has cancelled the show "American Guns".....
9) "Amish Mafia " however, is still on TV... go figure
10) Major retailers, like WalMart are selling out of guns
11) Background checks are up 400% in some states around the union
12) do we really want the government creating more control with guns? The same people who created TSA as a knee jerk reaction, that of course makes us all feel safer..... Do we really want a version of the TSA controlling what we can and cant do with a gun?
13) A Ex-con (convicted of murder, but out on parole) in New York, set his house on fire and setup in a high place to shoot the firefighters when they showed up to put the fire out. He was setup in a heavily weaponed berm and was ready for a fight. If only it was illegal for convicted felons to buy a gun...... Oh wait.... Well if it was illegal for him to get guns.......
People see all these things happening and believe the common item is guns. I have always had a little different view of the world than most, to me the common item is mental issues. We need a way to help these people before they put themselves in these situations that hurts themselves and others. Government wants to put some effort into something? Put it into that. Of course, that would be helpful and wont make good news for people to get re-elected, so....
You feel helpless? You want to do something? You want something that will make a real difference in the world?
A) Strive to be a better parent to your child. Know what is going on in their lives. Work to be their parent and not their friend. Ensure they will grow up to be a contributing member of society, and a responsible adult.
B) Work with your child to help them deal with success and failure. Help them learn from mistakes to be a better person.
C) Teach your children gun safety and gun responsibility. Build it into their soul
D) Strive to be a better friend to your neighbor. Know what is going on with them, their family, their life.
E) Care about what happens to a total stranger. be concerned for their well being
And the bonus thought of the day, you decide if it matters.
Dear God,
Why are you letting all these terrible tragedies happen in our school?
A Concerned Student
Dear Concerned Student
I am not allowed in your schools
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