Monday, February 3, 2014

My Wife hates my truck

have I ever mentioned that the LOML hates my truck?  Well she does.  Always has to poke at things after she ends up having to drive it for some reason.

"the temp display on the mirror doesnt work"
"The radio sounds bad"
"Why is the armrest on the door falling off?"
"your seat must be broken because its really lumpy and totally uncomfortable"
"why doesnt your truck have leather heated seats and XM radio and a built in DVD player and wireless headphones for entertainment"

wait, i think the last one was from my child....


I was going out of town for a couple of weeks, needed an oil change and wanted to have the truck get a once over while I was gone and of course, the LOML offered to take care of it (because she is so nice to me)

On a side note, in the process, my truck rolled over 150K miles


not only did my darling wife take my truck to our trusted mechanic and get a few things taken care of, she decided she was going to take care of a few other things also.

my truck now has fresh oil, belts, and other misc things that needed work.

It also now has a new mirror that the temp and direction display works on, go figure.

here is a picture of it

Well, actually I dont have a picture of that.  But if I did all you would see is a picture of the camera because ITS A MIRROR...

Duh, cant believe you wanted to see a picture of a mirror.  I'm very disappointed in you for that...

I also had parts waiting for me when I got home from my trip.

Tool set to remove the door panels on my truck  (hmmmm)
New Speakers for the front doors (hence said tools)
New arm rest (long story here) (also hence said tools)
New window control module for the drivers side.  (did I mention hence said tools)

SWMBO informed me that all of this was to make me (she means her) more happy with my truck.

My answer...  "yes dear"  because I want her to stay Happy Happy Happy...

so off to work I went, with my darling's help of course.

Here you can see a picture of the drivers door beforehand with the window controls hanging loose because the arm rest had a piece broken off

OK fine, there isnt a picture there because I didnt take a picture of it ahead of time because I am bad at this whole take a picture of what you are doing thing.

Anyway, using the handy dandy tool set my darling purchased for me, we got the door panel off and un plugged from all those electrical thingies that were plugged in there.

Yes, i know, the technical talk confuses people, I will try to keep it to a minimum.

Removed the speaker first, seemed fine to me

that air space around the cone is supposed to be there.

really,  it is.

But you know since I had the new whiz bang speakers already, went ahead and put them in.

and plus, its makes SWMBO Happy Happy Happy
new speaker works well, noises and such came out of it at loud levels.

then had to put the new parts on the door panel, which took some work because not only was the old armrest broken, but the old window control module also had a broken mounting point.

No problem, new armrest to the rescue.  (more on that later)  then grab the new window control module,

well, its mount is broken in the same place as the old one  (can you say bad design)  tried a few different methods, finally found a way to securely hold it to the door panel and VOILA!

a door panel put back together, ready to go in the truck.

I know the picture is not that great,  its because the flash on the camera was on.

Why was the flash on?  Well it was dark outside..


you people really have to keep up here....

so then after fighting to get the door panel back on, in the dark, and get all the electrical thingies plugged back in, got that done and finished for the evening.

The next day we repeated the work on the passenger door,

I say we repeated the work but really we didnt because all we did was take off the door panel, remove the old speaker, mount and wire the new speaker and then put the door panel back on.  Its really not a repeat of the work on the drivers door because we did not have to replace any of the parts on the door panel.  Why?  probably because I dont ride on this side of the truck to tear it up.  At least that is what my beloved would probably say as an answer.  Or maybe she would say because she rides on this side and she takes care of her side.

but then I guess she broke the speaker on her side the same way I broke the speaker on my side, so i guess we are even on that one.

Point is, here is a picture of the passenger side door back together, which looks so much different than it did before.

OK, actually it looks exactly the same and unless you look in the speaker grill really close you cant even tell something is different, but thats beside the point.

now, those who are perceptive will realize there is a problem with the drivers side door panel.

Didnt see it?  Let me show you again...

Driver side

passenger side

I know, its terrible,

yes, I knew it was that way before I put it on.

Wait.. you didnt see it?

OK fine,  I'll show you again.

look closely this time, we dont have all day now.

Drivers Side

Passenger Side

Now do you see it?

OK good,  glad we got that over with.

believe it or not.  Chevrolet themselves took my VIN and says that is the right part.

Guess my truck is a mixture of the previous years parts and its years parts.  Either that or its just Chevrolet being stupid.  Of course parts for my truck come in labeled "Antique" anyway...

Now if only I could fix my drivers seat to be able to check all the things off my beloved's list.

HMM, what could I do for that...

I know !

lets just not let her drive it anymore.



1 comment:

  1. I love your truck, I just want all the parts to work for you. :P
