Thursday, February 17, 2011

Its the small things that pull the rug out from under you......

as I mentioned in a earlier post, M wants to do some more pens.  He bought the blanks, I ordered the kits and he has been working on them from time to time.  He got the blanks marked and cut down to length, now he has to drill them out.  I bought 2 different sized kits, one that uses the same size tube as all the other pens I have done, and one that is a "cigar" pen so it uses a larger tube.  I ordered the proper bushing to turn them, as I knew I would need those, but on the list it said you needed a 25/64 drill bit.  I went, no problem, I have like 6 different drill sets, some of them have hundreds of bits in them.

Famous last words, I get everything setup for M to drill the pens and realize, in ALL the drill kits I own, I do not own a 25/64 drill bit.  Of course this vastly changes my standing as a true tool man since I was stopped in the middle of a project because of something this small and easy, but determined to rectify the situation, and make sure it did not happen again, M and I hopped in the truck and went shopping

Stopped at Northern Tool as that was the closest place to me that I thought might have something, and sure enough, they had the drill kit I was looking for.

20 minutes later or so we were back home and drilling what we need to.

Now at least I can say, that any drill bit size under 1/2" should be covered, no problem


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