I was reading a post on a blog the other day about a guys grandfather passing away and the blogger was talking about his GP's life and the relationship he had with him. It was a tool related blog so of course the blogger was talking about the things his GP had taught him and tools that had been passed down and things like that. It got me thinking about my grandfathers...
My moms dad passed away when I was like 2, so obviously I dont remember him at all. He worked at the post office and also had a farm, which was the farm that I basically grew up on. Remembering some of the things we had around the farm I would say he was a redneck-repair, not afraid to get his hands dirty, whatever it takes kind of guy. Had a good pile of tools including a bunch of blacksmith stuff. No we dont still have it because I was much younger then and had my head firmly planted up my butt. My mom complains about how tight he was and he would never buy anything new and he always tried to do things himself and would do them wrong. I have to wonder, did he buy the used things so he could try and fix them to keep them running? or is that just wishful thinking. I still think he and I would have gotten along well.
My fathers dad passed away when I was 14 or so, even then I dont know a lot about him as a person, but I can tell you he was a county commissioner and had cattle spread across multiple pastures. He had a storage shed at the back of the yard with a bunch of crap piled in it, a shed at the end of the garage that was piled with crap, and a semi trailer out in the pasture that was piled with crap. There is a story my dad has told about my GP and his brother working in the field and the tractor ran out of gas, his brother wanted to quit for the day and come back later, my GP siphoned gas from the pickup truck so they could finish what they needed to do. I think had I not had my head where it was he would have been a great man to learn things from.
There is a drive and determination built into me that pushes me to do what is right no matter the cost to me. It has been built into me as long as I can remember. I think these two men is where that comes from. I will admit, I am still a lazy person when it coms to doing things for me. I procrastinate just as much as anyone else, but even then there is this little voice in my head (no, not that kind of voice, a good kind of voice) always reminding me to do the right thing. When it comes to helping others, or responsibilities at work, my drive exceeds everything else around me. Which can be a good thing and a bad thing at the same time.
Are my views about my grandpas totally accurate? probably not, but its my vision....
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