Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I embarrass my wife

I know this comes as no surprise to most people, but I am a embarrassment to my beloved.   I know, your thinking I need to be more specific right?  Well this time it is my truck.  My old beat up Tahoe truck.  (2003 Tahoe, which in todays standards in ANCIENT, even Chevrolet calls it "vintage")

Well the top on the center console has been broken for awhile.  Its cracked so when you lean on it, it gives away.  I am sure it is just because of more than 8 years of me leaning on it, but still.  One day when I was feeling industrious, I took it apart to see if I could repair it.

I went through a lot of things and the short story was I could not get the top repaired so I put it back on.

I found a place on ebay you could buy a new top for it, but it wasnt cheap so I decided I would just live with it the way it is.

Well the other day I come home and there is a box on the front porch with my wifes name on it (not that un common) and I didnt think anything of it.  Later I told her where it was and she opened it up and handed me the new console top for my truck.

so I installed it on my truck so that at least THAT part of me wont be a total embarrassment to my wife.  (and with the darker color maybe it wont look so bad as the old one either)


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