Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thursday Rant

As usual, I was at a airport this week, and on a airplane headed to a god forsaken part of the country.  As usual the flight was delayed, for a number of reasons, including weather and mechanical issues.  While we were sitting there waiting though, we got an announcement, that in the plane next door to us was a soldier coming home.  The announcement asked for respect and a moment of silence.  As you can imagine, he was not coming home in the way that we would all hope he would.

Looking over I see that the airline has modified a baggage cart with American Flags specifically for this situation and there was a group of handlers who were showing as much respect as they could as they performed their duties.  There were a few people on the plane who paid attention, but as you can imagine, most people were too busy or wrapped up in their busy lives to realize what was going on.

No matter anyones political views you have to have respect for people who are willing to give their lives so  that others can sit on a plane with their head shoved up their ass.

I happen to feel honored that because we were delayed, I could take a moment for this man and his family.


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