Wednesday, July 20, 2011


It seems like I spend my time fighting the clock.  Either too much time or not enough time, but in the end, it amazes me how fast time goes.

It seems just yesterday I was 16, at a dance and met a beautiful woman who wanted to talk to me.  Why did we meet?  I had performed a comedy act (I was terrible) and she had seen me.  This is the point in the story were she reminds me that when she came over to talk to the group of people I was standing in, just to talk to me, and I walked away.  She had to chase me to talk to me.  That evening we talked on the phone from our hotel rooms until the fire alarm went off in the room I was in.

It was 126 miles from my driveway to hers, I was 16 and about to be a Junior in High School.  She was 17 and about to be a Senior in High School.  A year later she moved to go to College, a year after that I moved to go to College (not the same one).  We did not live in the same town with each other until a month before we got married.

Of course, like everyone will tell you, long distance relationships dont last.  Well we were paying each others bills, driving all hours of the day and night to see each other, writing each other letters every week (yes thats right, no such thing as the internet or e-mail) and we had a long distance bill that put us in the poor house.

A month after we got married D went back to school.  She was working a full time job and going to school at night.  only time we saw each other was late nights and the weekends.  She also needed a lot of time to study so while we lived together, we were still apart.   We had no money, but we made do, and we were happy.

Why am I sharing all this?  Well because it wasnt yesterday that all this happened.  We met 24 years ago and as of 20 years ago today, the LOML decided to stand up in front of God and everyone and commit herself to me, and I to her.  Till death do us part and I meant it.  Is 20 years a long time for a marriage to last?  In todays society I think it is.  Heck, the church we got married in isnt even there anymore, whats that tell ya.

Around our 10 year anniversary we had M and he has been the center of our lives since then, but we still find time for us too.  I love her and M more with each day that passes, I love the time we spend together and I miss them when we are apart  (yes thats right, I said it)

My commitment to her is more today than it ever has been and I am sure the next 20 years will be even better than the last 20 years.

"the one I laugh with, live for, dream with, love"


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