Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Rednecks Anonymous

"Stand up, give your first name, go on speak up, dont be ashamed
If you're a hick son, start confessin', that life you've, kept hidden,
knowing that deep down you're one of us
welcome to the weekly meeting of Rednecks Anonymous"

This past weekend there was a gun show up in our neck of the woods and we worked out having a little bit of time to stop through and see if there was anything we couldn't live without.  As I stopped at one booth there was a rack that had 10 or more 94's on it and a couple of them were just the ones I was looking for.  Let me back up this with a story

you see when I went to the Jackson Armory and picked up my Lone Star edition 94 (link to that story here) what I was actually looking for was a pre-1964 version of the 1894.  You see in 64 Winchester changed the way they manufactured these guns and the pre-64 versions are considered to be better built fire arms.  Of course as you know from reading the story (you did read the story right?  OK, good) I did not buy a pre-64 gun at Jackson Armory.  I looked at some, but they just were not the right one.

So back to the original story.  We looked at a couple of guns at the gun show and found one that was perfect.

A 1960 Winchester model 1894, chambered for 30-30, just like my Lone Star edition gun.  Its is a gorgeous gun.  It was between this and a 62 version, and what won me out on this one was the woodgrain.  There is some beautiful wood grain in this gun.

Just a quick plug for the guys who were very helpful at that booth.  It was "Past and Blast" out of Whitesboro Texas.   http://www.pastandblast.com/  Might have to make the drive out there one day and see what other kind of trouble I can get into.

so after filling out all the proper paperwork we were on our way, gun in hand.  Now I just have to get to the range and see how it shoots.

(factoid of the day,  did you know that texans own almost 20% of the guns in America?)

I mentioned to the LOML that I might have to make a gun rack to show these guns off, Her comment was we might be getting real close to needing a gun safe.  Hmmmmm...


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