Friday, September 16, 2016

Seems like much longer....

25 years,

thats right, as of this year I have been married to the LOML for 25 years.

Hmm,  so 25, whats that.  Its Silver.

What can I get the woman who means everything to me, thats Silver.

I was doing some digging out on the google, and came up with an idea.  Off I go.

I cut up some stainless into a tag a little bigger than a dog tag.  Using some number and letter stamps I put the words  " I Still Do" and "91-16"  Drilled a hole in it and added a key ring.

(of course I'd like to tell you I made 1 and it all came out perfect the first time,  that didnt happen.... lets just say, this one is the charm)

I still Do of course meaning I said "I Do" those many years ago, and I still Do.

91-16 meaning the 25 years we have been married.

Of course it was many days after our anniversary that I presented this to my beloved, but that is kind of Par for my course.

true love of course has totally been proven because the piece is total crap but she does carry it around on her key chain.

Cherry Pie


1 comment:

  1. It's beautiful, wouldn't have it any other way!
