Thursday, January 19, 2017

being prepared

being prepared,  thats the boy scout motto right?

hmm, never was a boy scout...

So, one of the advantages of being married to a wonderful woman is she knows people, important people.  (I know nobody,  or maybe no one is willing to admit knowing me.... anyway....)

So one day she is telling me about her friends who have offered M and I a chance to go duck hunting with them...

needless to say, it didnt take me long to latch onto that one.

Uh, when, where, how, etc......

Of course we start getting ready, getting all the supplies we need  (waders, shotgun, ammo, and since its M and I, everything is in two's)

as it gets closer to time, and M and I have never duck hunted before, we decided we needed some practice.

Skeet would be good,  good way to practice shooting at small things flying through the air.

After speaking to a coworker, he recommended a range in Fort Worth as they has a "practice" area where you could just buy their targets and you run everything, shoot at your pace.  That sounded like just the ticket.

early one morning, we set off for the drive across civilization, arrive at the range, and sure enough.  buy a box of targets (135) and we setup at a practice area to shoot.

Needless to say M did a lot better than me, but all in all we shot a lot of rounds at a lot of targets and are at least more ready than we were to try and get some green head ducks

Cherry Pie!


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