Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Bringing up the rear

It was finally time to move to working on the rear suspension of the truck.

With the help of break over bars, heat, air tools, hammers, larger hammers, and a lot of cuss words, we finally got the rear suspension torn out of the truck.  Needless to say, it had never been removed, worked on, etc in the life of the truck.

Through the use of air tools and battery powered grinder and a lot of wire brushes, we got all the surface rust off the frame and suspension pieces that were being re-used.

On the frame I also used a rattle can product that seals up any rust and makes sure it wont continue to grow and spread.  Then proceeded to coat everything in black paint

the frame partially done  (time constraints, worked on sections with the wire wheels, then painted them to make sure no flash rust started)

the rear ladder bars all wire brushed and painted

then re-assembly started with all new bushings, bolts, etc.

Here is the rear frame with the ladder bars on and the springs mounted

why yes, the rear end should be next, but that is a story on its own.

Cherry Pie!


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