Monday, January 31, 2011

Chick Fil A

I know this has nothing to do with the garage, tools, etc that this blog usually talks about, but I had to do this.

Let me first say how much respect I have for Chick-Fil-A.  To have a business as big as it is that is still closed on Sunday is a huge thing to me.  I think more places should be closed on Sunday and we should stop using Sunday as another day to advance the world and use it as a day to stop and look back.  IMHO they sell decent food at a decent price and have a respect for their customers that is second to none in the fast food industry

I saw this on Yahoo today:

The yahoo article that is full of BS

now the first problem I have with this is Yahoo says this is Chick Fil A doing an anti gay marriage donation, which if you read you will find out that is not what they did.  They donated food to a place called  "The Pennsylvania Family Institute"  So the first problem I have is the typical News people of putting something in there that is only half truths just so that people can have something to be upset about.

I also found this article, as I did my own research, since I have my own brain and can think for myself.

Article #2

There is a great quote in that article  "We're not anti anybody", Cathy told the Atlanta Journal Constitution on Sunday.  "Our mission is to create raving fans"  Cathy said in a statement saturday, "while my family and I believe in the Biblical definition of marriage, we love and respect anyone who disagrees"

Now let me tell you how happy this makes me feel to hear that someone still understands what it is like to have a real Christian attitude and not just tell everyone that they are wrong because they dont believe what you believe.  I dont see this as the normal corporate BS that people dish out so you will still buy their products.  This is a group that I think actually believes this way.  They may not agree with you, but they love you anyway.

I could stop there, but I wont.  I looked up the website for the Pennsylvania Family institute

The Pennsylvania Family Institute website

There is nothing there about being against gay marriage.  I am not saying they believe in it, just that what the site is all about is bring families back together.   It talks about teen pregnancy rate going up, divorce rate going up, violence rate going on, and they believe that if people had more of a supportive family life at home these things wouldn't happen.

I happen to agree with these general concepts.

I think families should sit down and eat dinner together WITH THE TV TURNED OFF!  Families should talk to one another and know what is going on in each others lives and BE INVOLVED.  not just care about ME, Myself, and I, but care about what others in the family care about.

ok, off my soapbox, back to our regularly scheduled tool info and reviews

  One of the problems we have today is that marriage is not taken seriously, it is looked at as a legal binding and not a religious binding.  People look to get married and if it doesn't work out then they can just move on to something better.  No one is willing to be committed to any choice they make and make sure it is right, they just jump in with the thought that they can always back out if needed.  SO, since that is the case, why do people care if Gay people get married?  What effect does it have on their lives.  As I have stated here already, my view of marriage is different than most, but I dont run around telling other people they are wrong in their views of marriage, so why would I tell two gay people they cant be married.  If all people see it as is a legal binding of two people, what does it matter to them?

ok, I'm done, I'll stop now


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