Monday, February 28, 2011

Busy Weekend

Well this was an interesting weekend as we had a lot of things going on, but they were mostly our doing...

Saturday morning M had a intersquad scrimmage, which went pretty well,  morning was kind of dreary and didnt look like it was going anyway, but the clouds parted and the sun came out and it became a beautiful day.

and off we go, working on projects,

D was working on Taping, Priming and then painting the Family room

M was working on more Pens

and I was working on a number of things, including the drawers for the kitchen cabinets

All in all it was a good weekend.  We got caught on some sleep, some projects, and loved having the windows open and enjoying the nice weather.

If this keeps up, we will be able to move the Bell into its final resting place


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