Last year about this time my wife looked anywhere and everywhere for a decent sized bald cypress tree for our backyard. We have an area that holds water and we have drowned a few trees over there. We tried a small bald cypress in that spot and it loves that area. In our quest to continue to plant trees every year we decided that should be our next tree for the backyard. Well long story short (I know, too late) we never found one last year and basically gave up on finding a decent sized one for what we were willing to pay.
Well the other day on the way to Baseball practice we stopped at the BORG to pick up some supplies for a few projects I have in the works. My eagle eyed wife picks out from across the parking lot that there are large Bald Cypress trees sitting out front of the store with a clearance sign on them. They were good looking trees, about 10 feet tall and in 45 gallon containers and they were marked down to 100.00
so being the good husband that I am supposed to be, while my beloved wife was out of town the very next day, I went to the BORG, bought the tree she said she liked,
hauled it home, dug a hole and dropped it in it.
and it looks pretty good if you ask me.
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